Matrix or optimization: 30, 15, 90 is aimed miligrams of C, D and E vitamins


New member
Sep 2, 2015
I was trying to solve a real life problem. I am trying to fit in a specific vitamins in a meal which consists (in this example) from 3 ingredients.

30, 15, 90 is aimed miligrams of for example C, D and E vitamin

(numbers may not be realistics)

0,135x + 0,66y + 0,166z = 300,22x + 0,024y + 0,022z = 150,33x + 0,8y + 0,11z = 90
These constants are easily found in food nutritions. So you need to find out only miligrams of food. But every change in one food make change in another. So result may not be found. But I am intrested in the closest result, which it can give me.

If some genius can also add these restrictions, so I can actually add a minimum miligrams of each ingredience, that would be just awesome. Because it could end up like 1mg of one, 1mg of second and 10000mg of third ingredience.
y>=4000, x>=2000, z>=9000

Any idea how to solve this?
Thank you very much.
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fit in a specific vitamins in a meal which consists (in this example) from 3 ingredients.

30, 15, 90 is aimed miligrams of for example C, D and E vitamin
What are "aimed milligrams"?

(numbers may not be realistics)

0,135x + 0,66y + 0,166z = 300,22x + 0,024y + 0,022z = 150,33x + 0,8y + 0,11z = 90
Is this meant to be all one equation? Or are the commas after the numbers following the "equals" signs meant to denote new equations?

you need to find out only miligrams of food. But every change in one food make change in another.
Please explain what you mean by "every change in one food make change in another" food.

When you reply, please include a clear statement of your thoughts and efforts so far. Thank you! ;-)