Mathway Calculators Broken


Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005
All of the embedded (linked) Mathway calculators seem broken, on the main pages of freemathhelp (i.e., outside the forum).

Here's the index page:

The corresponding calculators work at the Mathway site.


If you experience issues with any linked Mathway calculator (except Limits) , try opening the calculator in a new browser tab. This works for me:

■ Right-click within the calculator's frame (it may be completely blank)

■ On the pop-up menu, select
This Frame > followed by Open Frame in New Tab

For Limits, you may right-click on any of the embedded Calculus calculators (eg: Derivative, Integral, Antiderivative, Summation) or the Precalculus calculator (Matrix).

If these suggestions don't help, go to directly or find a different calculator.
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from official website
Mathway's documentation doesn't provide me with confidence. Based on continued experience, I cannot recommend Mathway products.

Mathway official site said:
Mathway is the best calculator that helps us in every confusion of the calculations of our course books and in preparations before exams, or completing the maths project, files etc. Mathway is the easiest place where you can find every solution of you equation.
That actually reminds me of text from spammers selling academic-cheating services.
In what manner are you seeing the widgets as being broken? (They're working on my Linux laptop, viewing in Firefox.)

FYI: Mathway is now "a Chegg service".
