anniecrosses said:
Hi all, just wondering if anyone can help me, I have a equation with letters and need to find the relevant numbers.
Thanks heaps
These puzzles are solved with a COMBINATION of algebra, basic number facts, and logic.
Let's start with the algebra.
Start with the rightmost digits and work to the left.
A + A + F + A = 3A + F = H + 10P. Do you see where the 10P comes from?
P + F + A + F + A = P + 2F + 2A = I + 10Q.
Now you work out the rest of the basic equations.
At this point, you will probably have a system that appears to have more unknowns than equations. You will need to find some more equations. This is where the logic and the number facts come in. For example, P = 0, 1, 2, or 3. Do you see why? Similarly, Q = 0, 1, 2, or 3.
Now see how far you can get on your own. If you get stuck, come back and Subhotosh Khan will explain the rest to you. (Denis and I let SK do all the hard work.)