the equation is a quadratic equation which I need to form it myself. but i have no idea how to come up with the equation? Please help me with it. Thanks.
If you have excel with a data analysis add-on, you can find the best fit for a quadratic equation by regressing quantity demanded against unit price and the square of unit price. What you are doing is treating a non-linear function in one variable as a linear function in multiple variables. The multiple regression process will give an approximation that minimizes errors.
If you do not have software to do multiple regressions, you can do a trial and error method to get an approximation that is not as good but may be good enough for pratical use.
Take any three data points, \(\displaystyle (c_1, q_1), (c_2, q_2), and (c_3, q_3)\).
Solve the following system for x, y, and z
\(\displaystyle q_1 = x + y * c_1 + z * (c_1)^2.\)
\(\displaystyle q_2 = x + y * c_2 + z * (c_2)^2.\)
\(\displaystyle q_3 = x + y * c_3 + z * (c_3)^2.\)
This gives you an approximation in quadratic form, namely: \(\displaystyle q = x + yc + zc^2.\)
Now test the approximation against the remaining data points. If the approximation is not good when tested, try the process over with different data points. Stop when you have an approximation that is good enough.