Mathmatical Applications for a Senior Citizen


New member
Oct 2, 2011
I have just started college for the first time at the age of 65. I have been out of school for 48 years. I never had algebra in high school, only general math. The Business Admin. degree I am going for has placed me in Mathmatical Applilcations because I placed low on my compass test. I have a good teacher, but she is geared for younger people, right out of school, with previous algebra knowledge. We are doing scientific equations right now. I am lost. I have a tutor, but with only one hour a week, it is not helping much. I didn't know there was a site like this online or I would have been here sooner. We are having midterms this week (Wednesday) and I am so lost. I can pretty well understand the sci. equ. and even the Vinn Diagrams, but with so many different applications, it is getting confusing. Can anyone help an older student understand this?

Thanks, Sandi
Hello, Sandi!

Welcome aboard!

All of us here would be pleased and delighted to help you.

Obviously, we can't actually teach you Algebra at this forum,
. . but we can help you with specific questions.

Good luck with your courageous undertaking.
Kindly read the post titled "Read Before Posting" as well, for guidelines covering the specific information we require on each exercise.

Thank you!:cool: