math problems-Pythagorean theoerem


New member
Jun 11, 2010
hi there, have a few problems that i could use help with formula wise

length of rt side triangle is 15, and the hyptonuse is re, the 3rd side is?

300 ft tower is braced by 3 cables half way up tower. theyre to be attached to the ground at a distance from the tower that is equal to 1/4 the height of tower. what is the total length of cable needed.

90 ft between the bases of a baseball diamond. how far is from home to second.
90square+90square=1800square 42.42
a guy drives to work going 10 miles north AND THAN 7 MILES EAST. how far is his home from work?
10square+7square=170square=13 miles
30 foot tree casts a a 20 ft shadow. how far is it to the top of the tree to the end of shadow. (this last one to me seems the hardest) tyvm in advance for any help on formulas.30square+20square=1300sqaure=36 feet

thanks sure helped a lot
mathmike99 said:
hi there, have a few problems that i could use help with formula wise

length of rt side triangle is 15, and the hyptonuse is re, the 3rd side is?

300 ft tower is braced by 3 cables half way up tower. theyre to be attached to the ground at a distance from the tower that is equal to 1/4 the height of tower. what is the total length of cable needed.

90 ft between the bases of a baseball diamond. how far is from home to second.

a guy drives to work going 10 miles north AND THAN 7 MILES EAST. how far is his home from work?

30 foot tree casts a a 20 ft shadow. how far is it to the top of the tree to the end of shadow. (this last one to me seems the hardest) tyvm in advance for any help on formulas.

In all these problem, start with sketching the situation and then name the variables (stuff to find).

In each case, the formula to use is:

\(\displaystyle (base)^2 \ \ + \ \ (height)^2 \ \ = \ \ (hypotenuese)^2\)

Please show us your work, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we may know where to begin to help you.