math involving a calendar

If April first is on a Thursday, What day of the week will Halloween be in the same year?


What is the date for Halloween?

You need to solve this problem quickly - because in some localities there are bills waiting that would change the date for Halloween.
Hello, robert marshall!

If April first is on a Thursday, what day of the week will Halloween be in the same year?

Do you have any plans for solving this problem?
Or are you waiting for us to supply a "Number of Days from April Fool to Halloween" Formula?
(Do not confuse it with the "Valentine's Day to Christmas" Formula.)

Method #1

Find a 2009 calendar.
We find that April 1 was a Thursday.
Looking at October, we see that Halloween was Sunday.

Method #2

Look at this year's calendar (2012).
April 1 is Sunday and Halloween is Wednesday (three days later).
Therefore, if April 1 is Thursday, then Halloween is Sunday.

Method #3

Count the number of days.

. . \(\displaystyle \begin{array}{ccc}\hline \text{Apr 1} & \\ \hline & 29 \\ \hline \text{Apr 30}& \\ \hline & 31 \\ \hline \text{May 31} & \\ \hline & 30 \\ \hline \text{June 30} & \\ \hline & 31 \\ \hline \text{July 31} & \\ \hline & 31 \\ \hline \text{Aug 31} & \\ \hline & 30 \\ \hline \text{Sep 30} & \\ \hline & 31 \\ \hline \text{Oct 31} & \\ \hline \hline \\ \text{Total:} & 213 \end{array}\)

\(\displaystyle 213 \;=\;30(7) + 3 \;=\;30\text{ weeks }+ 3\text{ days}\)

Got it?