Math authoring software?


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2006
I have come to really enjoy TeX and was wondering if there was a word-processing software that would allow me to write mathematically like this? (Preferably free or cheap).

I tried using Word for doing my assignments last semester, and that is a fustrating nightmare. I do the work by hand, but I like the final copy to be neat and polished.

The standard scientific word processor is EXP.
Many professional mathematicians, engineers and economists use it.
But MathType works well with WORD.
pka said:
The standard scientific word processor is EXP.
At $250, this package is a bit "steep" for me. :shock:

Yes it is steep, I agree.
But it is a ‘what you see is what you get’ processor.
A many a textbook has been written using EXP.
It produces beautiful camera-ready copy.
It saves all files in TeX format for publication.
I would print using Acrobat to make lecture presentations, because I hate power-point.
Yes, daon, I forgot to tell you. You have to buy it in order to have those features.

You'll probably be hard-pressed to find something that will allow you to print, save, etc. for free. Everyone what's to sell their wares.

MathType isn't that much, is it?. I used to struggle through with Word. It's a nuisance clicking through all those symbols.

I feel the need to point out that the original LaTeX software is free (as in no cost, as well as freedom to modify the software). You can get more info on it over at .

A warning though: LaTeX itself is NOT wysiwyg. This means that you don't just input stuff and see the pretty representations. Instead, you input your document in an encoded form and run that code through a processor to turn it into what you want. There are such things as wysiwyg LaTeX implementations, but so far I haven't come across one that is both good and free.