I'm guessing that the placement test is to determine if you should start with (1) pre-algebra, (2) beginning algebra, or (3) intermediate algebra.
How are your arithmetic skills?
Do you still remember the multiplication table through 12 × 12 ?
Can you add two fractions, like 7/2 + 3/5 ?
Perhaps some arithmetic review would be appropriate, prior to your math skills assessment.
There are many web sites that offer lessons and examples for arithmetic.
If you let us know more about your academic background and what you're trying to accomplish, we can provide some study references (eg: khanacademy.org).
Of course, you can google keywords yourself, like fractions help.
The FreeMathHelp boards are mostly for tutoring students working on specific exercises and for answering direct questions that students have about their lectures or materials.
Cheers ~ Mark :cool: