looking for free online tutor to teach me math



I need a free tutor online to teach me math. I failed on my first Geometry test with a 40 and that's bad. I am good at math but I failed all the great math mathmaticians of all time. My teachers gave us 6 test to study for 2 weeks. When I study I don't remember things quickly and when I take a test I freeze, I forget things. Can someone please help me?
Edited by stapel -- Reason for edit: removing crudities
It is almost impossible to "teach" in an online tutoring environment. And teaching you whatever is being covered in your particular course ("history of math"?) would require individualized lessons, which are highly unlikely to be free.

To obtain the sort of tutoring you seek, please consider hiring a tutor, local to your area. You could meet with the tutor for a few hours every day (or at least a few times a week). In a face-to-face context, being able to look at your books and your assignments, a good tutor may be able to help you get caught up.

Good luck!
