I am looking (for 2 days now, on various search engines, to no avail) for a picture (JPG, PNG, ...) of a complete-compiled list that has all the Mathematical 2D- and 3D shapes.
I found trillions of pictures, but not one is complete.
Each found has a plethora of shapes missing:
Or the Hemisphere, or the Curvilinear Triangle, Triclinic, Chevron, Chiroelongated Triangular Cupola, Crescent, Octadecagonal Prism, Cuboctahedron, Trigonal, Hexa-or Pentagonal Pyramids, Zonohedron, Galena, Pentagonal Pyramid, Stellated Icosahedron, Quatrefoil, Gyroid, Diploid or Tetartoid, ... .
It is to become insane.
How come, it is literally impossible to find a sheet/booklet with all the outlined shapes and their names, in this type of style:
Has no one ever came to the idea, to get the shapes together?
I tried to make one myself, but I am so darn unhandy in graphical systems ... .
Not to mention, lately very fast confused (had a serious accident that has affected my grey matter up the attic).
If anyone could help me ...
Thank you beforehand:
I found trillions of pictures, but not one is complete.
Each found has a plethora of shapes missing:
Or the Hemisphere, or the Curvilinear Triangle, Triclinic, Chevron, Chiroelongated Triangular Cupola, Crescent, Octadecagonal Prism, Cuboctahedron, Trigonal, Hexa-or Pentagonal Pyramids, Zonohedron, Galena, Pentagonal Pyramid, Stellated Icosahedron, Quatrefoil, Gyroid, Diploid or Tetartoid, ... .
It is to become insane.
How come, it is literally impossible to find a sheet/booklet with all the outlined shapes and their names, in this type of style:
Has no one ever came to the idea, to get the shapes together?
I tried to make one myself, but I am so darn unhandy in graphical systems ... .
Not to mention, lately very fast confused (had a serious accident that has affected my grey matter up the attic).
If anyone could help me ...
Thank you beforehand: