Logic-type problem


New member
Oct 24, 2011
One of the problems on my problem set asks:

The goal of this problem is to show that every statement in Propositional
Logic is equivalent to a statement that uses only the logical connective
NAND. Show that the statements : ~A, A AND B, and A or B are equivalent to statements that just use NAND.

How do I start this problem? Am I understanding the question right by thinking that I somehow have to figure out a way to express (for example) ~A in terms of NAND? Wouldn't I need two bits of information to produce some form of NAND logic? I just don't see how I can get an answer in terms of NAND without a value for B.

You are understanding the exercise perfectly. You need to use the NAND operator to express all of those into equivalent statements.
A|B is true when at least one of the two is false, and it is false when both are true. Therefore, if the truth value of A is true, A|A would be considered false, so ⌉A is logically equivalent to A|A.
You should be able to complete the exercise on your own from here.