

New member
Aug 18, 2009
Solve for x
log base 7 x^3 - log base 7 x
i got
log base 7 (x^3/x)
log base 7 x^2
7^x = x^2
now im stuck
Rachel_Rae said:
log base 7 x^3 - log base 7 x
i got
log base 7 (x^3/x)<------you can reduce (x[sup:p1yypkuw]3[/sup:p1yypkuw] / x ).....and it does not become x[sup:p1yypkuw]3[/sup:p1yypkuw]
log base 7 x^3
7 to what power = x^3
now im stuck

You have not told us what the directions for this problem are. Are you supposed to write this as a single log, perhaps??

There does not seem to be enough information to solve for a value of x..........
Rachel_Rae said:
Solve for x
log base 7 x^3 - log base 7 x <<< There's no "equal to" sign here
i got
log base 7 (x^3/x)
log base 7 x^2
7^x = x^2 <<< where did this "equal to" sign come from???
now im stuck

You cannot solve for anything - unless you have an equal to (=) sign in your problem.
Rachel_Rae said:
Solve for x
log base 7 x^3 - log base 7 x
i got
log base 7 (x^3/x)
log base 7 x^2
7^x = x^2
now im stuck

Log(a) - log(b) = log(a/b)

log(7x^3) - log(7x) = log(x^2)
