logarithmic equations


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I have tried to this problem 10 times. I am having trouble with it because of the negative sign. I can't figure out how to factor it.
Solve the logarithmic equation for x.
log3(x + 17) ? log3(x ? 5) = 1
\(\displaystyle log_{3}\left(\frac{x+17}{x-5}\right)\;=\;1\)

Now what?
Seriously? How did you manage to try 10 times if you remain without a single clue? It's just not possible.

Let's have an example of just one of those 10 tries.
Obviously I was incorrect in thinking that this was a website that helped with math. Perhaps you should consider another job if you wish to to put people down.
"Job"? I get paid? That's news.

I dare you to show me the "put people down" part. Do you want to learn or not? Learning will require some personal effort.

Come on. Just one attempt. That's all I ask.

Perhaps, you are not ready for this type of exercise. You need to learn the definition of logarithms first, so that you know how to rewrite a logarithmic relationship as an equivalent exponential relationship.

We can always switch back-and-forth between basic logarithmic form and basic exponential form:

log[sub:1o41h8bn]b[/sub:1o41h8bn](n) = e

b^e = n

where symbol b is a base, symbol e is an exponent, and symbol n is the power of b

You also need to memorize the property that tkhunny used to rewrite the given difference of logs as a single log.

log(a) - log(b) = log(a/b)

Now that tkhunny graciously completed one-third of the exercise for you, how may we help you finish it?

Please be specific, and check out the post titled "Read Before Posting".

Cheers 8-)

MY EDIT: Added symbol definitions, to avoid confusion with Euler's Constant