I have a suggestion, zakzan why not post a readable version of the actual question without any further work. If you could learn to LaTeX it would really help. Moreover, the ability to to use that code will help you in any study you may do.I need to find the sum of all x's of the equation. I think i haven't properly defined the domain of the equation (specifically absolute values) so that there are more solutions, but i just can't find the mistake. Sorry is it is a bit unorgized, but i just dont have any more room left!
Thank you so much.. such a stupid mistake.It looks like you just missed one thing: When you rejected x = -6, you should have accepted it. You divided by that log; if it is zero, you can't do that division, but that doesn't mean the equation isn't true! In that case, the equation is 0=0.
Good work, apart from that.
Here is confirmation: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=solve+(sqrt(log_7(-2x-1))-log_7(sqrt(4x^2+4x+1))-1)log_7|x+7|+=+-log_7(x+7)