Logarithm Help Needed


New member
Jul 27, 2005
Since a logarithm is an exponent, how do you think the log property
logb(xy) = logb (x) + logb (y) is related to the exponent property
(bm)(bn) = b(m+n)?

What I have so far:

A log or logarithmic function is simply another way to write an exponent. So, when you are converting from log form to exponential form, b is your base, Y is your exponent, and X is what your exponential expression is set equal to.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
1) Please post algebra questions to one of the algebra forums.

2) Please don't post the same question to multiple forums, as many of the same people volunteer in these places, and may be less inclined to answer here, if they know you are getting answers here and here as well.

Thank you for your consideration.

Thanks. But we newbies don't have any way of knowing these sites are related. Sorry for the inconvenience.
S'okay. Now ya know! :wink:


P.S. See my reply posted here.