Hey everyone, collge student, I'm currently taking labor economics, and need some help on this somewhat basic algebra question. I realize this is a math board, not econ, but this is pretty simple math, but I don't think I did this right.
Demand for labor is known to be: LD(the D is superscrippted) = kW^-2
Supply for labor is known to be: LS(the S is superscrippted) = cW^.5
Write the supply and demand formulas in logarithimic form.
Here is what I came up with:
Demand: logwLD/k = -2
Supply: logwLS/c = .5
The w's are subscrippted, and then of course the D and the S are superscrippted. I divided the c and the k to leave W^-2 and then proceeded to take the log as I wrote it, not sure if thats how it is done. The reason this is so important is b/c their are three more parts to the problem after this, and all are contigent on this being correct. Confused
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right since I don't remember the rules for logs that well, and if I'm forgetting anything.
The next part of the question, which I'm not really expecting an answer from since this is a math board and not economics, but I'll give it a shot anyways. The question states, suppose the government imposes a 5% payroll tax collected from employers, what are the new demand and supply curves (sticking with logs)? I seriously read the book and notes, but cannot figure this out, the book uses set payroll taxes and not percentage, so I have no idea how to go about this. I realize the demand and supply curves will shift, but with a percentage, not sure by how much.
Thanks for any help that you all can provide.
Demand for labor is known to be: LD(the D is superscrippted) = kW^-2
Supply for labor is known to be: LS(the S is superscrippted) = cW^.5
Write the supply and demand formulas in logarithimic form.
Here is what I came up with:
Demand: logwLD/k = -2
Supply: logwLS/c = .5
The w's are subscrippted, and then of course the D and the S are superscrippted. I divided the c and the k to leave W^-2 and then proceeded to take the log as I wrote it, not sure if thats how it is done. The reason this is so important is b/c their are three more parts to the problem after this, and all are contigent on this being correct. Confused
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right since I don't remember the rules for logs that well, and if I'm forgetting anything.
The next part of the question, which I'm not really expecting an answer from since this is a math board and not economics, but I'll give it a shot anyways. The question states, suppose the government imposes a 5% payroll tax collected from employers, what are the new demand and supply curves (sticking with logs)? I seriously read the book and notes, but cannot figure this out, the book uses set payroll taxes and not percentage, so I have no idea how to go about this. I realize the demand and supply curves will shift, but with a percentage, not sure by how much.
Thanks for any help that you all can provide.