Log problems: Ln(e^pie^2), et cetera

What's the question?
Post problem IN FULL.

Do you know what "e" is?

And use "pi", not "pie"!
harneysl said:
I will guess that the instructions are to "simplify" and/or to "evaluate". But what is the expression?

Since you know that "pie" is a dessert pastry and "pi" is the number, related to circles, that is approximately equal to 3.14159, then what you have posted means the following:

. . . . .ln(e<sup>pi</sup> e<sup>2</sup>)

Is this what you meant? Or something else?

What have you tried? You've applied a log rule, right? And then the definition of logs, right? And... then what? Where are you stuck?

Please be specific. Thank you.
