Locus of points 2 cm from a circle with r = 12



I am currently going over LOCUS in geometry. The math, like most books, does not explain certain questions in the sample section. I am not quite understanding the concepts of locus.

The book explains that there are 5 basic loci.

For the next two questions, I must describe each locus.

First of all, I know what a locus is and what loci stands for.

I just don't know how to describe what this locus stuff is all about after given information is presented.


1-The locus of points 2 cm from a circle whose radius is 12 cm.

How do I DESCRIBE question 1?

2-The locus of points 6 cm from a given line.

How do I DESCRIBE question 2?
Draw the pictures. What do you see? How would you describe what you've drawn?


I drew several pictures of circles but to no avail. Can you at least give me the steps needed to describe this stuff?
Dictionaries are wonderful things.

locus: 3. Mathematics The set or configuration of all points whose coordinates satisfy a single equation or one or more algebraic conditions.

Thinking is a wonderful thing.

What you have not told us is if we must stay in a plane or if we are in 3D.

2" Inches from a circle of radius 12"

In a plane, that is two other circles. One with radius 10" and one with radius 14".
In 3D, that's a torus. <== Use a dictionary if necessary.

You do the line.