Linear Equations? summer campers and camp fees


New member
Nov 26, 2007
I'm having problems setting up the equation.
Determine the linear equation that will represent the number of children who will enroll at a given fee.

The director of a summer day camp estimates that 100 children will join if the camp fee is $250, but for each $20 decrease in the fee, ten more children will enroll.

Can someone help?

Thank you,
sskilgore said:
The director of a summer day camp estimates that 100 children will join if the camp fee is $250, but for each $20 decrease in the fee, ten more children will enroll.
If you're not sure, then try working with numbers, until you see a pattern! :idea:

0 decreases: 100         kids

1 decrease:  100 +   10  kids

2 decreases: 100 + 2(10) kids

3 decreases: 100 + 3(10) kids
...and so forth. Once you see a pattern, figure out what should be represented by a variable, define the variable, and write your equation. :wink:

Re: Linear Equations?

sskilgore said:
I'm having problems setting up the equation.
Determine the linear equation that will represent the number of children who will enroll at a given fee.

The director of a summer day camp estimates that 100 children will join if the camp fee is $250, but for each $20 decrease in the fee, ten more children will enroll.

Can someone help?

Thank you,

I like to think of it in terms of a graph:

point a = (100, 250), point b = (110,230)

the slope of a line passing through each point is: (230-250)/(110-100) = -1/2

with point slope:
people - 100 = (-1/2)(fare - 250)

Solve for people :D
Thank you so much! Sometimes I get stumped right at the start of a problem...thanks again!
