Linear Equations and Matrices: distribution of funds


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Can anybody help solve this word problem?

An investor has $700,000 to invest in stocks, bonds, and commodities. If he plans to put three times as much into stocks as in bonds, how can he distribute his money among the three types of investments? (Let x denote the amount put into stocks, y the amount put into bonds, and z the amount put into commodities. Let all amounts be in dollars, and let z be the parameter.)
Re: Linear Equations and Matrices

dcc3038026 said:
Can anybody help solve this word problem?

An investor has $700,000 to invest in stocks, bonds, and commodities. If he plans to put three times as much into stocks as in bonds, how can he distribute his money among the three types of investments? (Let x denote the amount put into stocks, y the amount put into bonds, and z the amount put into commodities. Let all amounts be in dollars, and let z be the parameter.)

Please show your work/thoughts - so that we know where to begin to help you.

Start with definig variables - and assigning unknowns (or to be found) to those.



Amount in stocks = x

Amount in Bonds = y

Re: Linear Equations and Matrices

Check to make sure you posted that IN FULL; not enough information for a unique solution.

EDIT: forget that, DCC; didn't read what was bracketed ; follow Mark's advice :wink: