Linear Algerbra EigenValues


New member
Oct 29, 2009
hey guys i ahve this question that is due in like half an hour and i was wondering if you could help me out?

the question is

For which value of k does the matrix
A=6 k
-5 8

have one real eigenvalue of multiplicity 2?

ive done lots of work on it and basically im just wondering how to do it?

thanks for the help in advance
Find the characteristic polynomial. \(\displaystyle Det(A-I{\lambda})\)

It is \(\displaystyle {\lambda}^{2}-14{\lambda}+5k+48=0\)

Now, this is a quadratic. It has a root of multiplicity 2 when its discrimiant is 0.

That is, \(\displaystyle b^{2}-4ac=0\), where \(\displaystyle a=1, \;\ b=-14, \;\ c=48+5k\)

Solve for k.