Linear Algebra Question..


Junior Member
Sep 13, 2006
For matrices

| -6 8 -2 |
|-5 6 -2 |
|6 -4 5 |

and B=
|-1 5 4 4|
|-2 6 4 4 |
|1 -4 -4 -8|
|0 2 4 8|

I found the minimum polynomials to be
mA(x) = (x-2)^2 (x-1) and mB(x) = (x-2)^2 (x-1) (x-4)

Using partial fraction expansions, I get

1/mA(x) = 1/(x-1) - 1/(x-2) + 1/(x-2)^2 and
1/mB(x) = (1/4)/(x-2) - (1/2)/(x-2)^2 - (1/3)/(x-1) + (1/12)/(x-4).

Now, I'm supposed to find polynomials p1, ..., p5 such that
1/mA(x) = p1(x)/(x-1) = p2(x)/(x-2)^2 and
1/mB(x) = p3(x)/(x-2)^2 + p4(x)/(x-1) + p5(x)/(x-4) by combining terms.

I'm not sure how to do that. Could someone maybe do 1/mA(x) for me so I can have an example to do 1/mB(x) to do on my own and for the rest of my homework problems?
I'm not sure why one would do that (I guess Its been awhile for me and linear algebra), but it seems simple enough.

I'm sure you meant: "1/mA(x) = p1(x)/(x-1) + p2(x)/(x-2)^2" instead of "1/mA(x) = p1(x)/(x-1) = p2(x)/(x-2)^2" as the latter is only true for p1(x)=(x-1) and p2(x)=(x-2)^2 (ratios being 1)

We have 1/mA(x) = p1(x)/(x-1) + p2(x)/(x-2)^2 = 1/(x-1) - 1/(x-2) + 1/(x-2)^2

Combine the last two terms: 1/(x-1) + [-x+3]/(x-2)^2

Hence p1(x)=1, p2(x)=-x+3