Linear Algebra (parametric representation) question


New member
Sep 12, 2012
I have an exam in linear algebra this week and I was reading a handout my professor gave us about representing hyperplanes non-parametrically and parametrically. I haven't been able to get in touch with him about the question I have, so I was hoping someone could give me some insight.

He gives this equation for a non-parametric representation of a hyperplane:

a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn = b

and then this equation for a parametric representation (with xk = pk):

xn = b - (a1/an)p1 + (a2/an)p2 + ... (an-1/an)pn-1

My question is why are there + signs on the right side of the 2nd equation. It seems like we've subtracted the left side of the 1st equation (except the last term) from b and then divided by an. Shouldn't all the + signs in the 2nd equation be minuses (or at least there be parenthesis around everything after b - )? Is this just a typo or have I misunderstood something?

Thanks so much your help
It should be either \(\displaystyle x_1= b- (a_2/a_1)x_2- (a_3/a_1)x_3- \cdot\cdot\cdot- (a_n/a_1)x_n\)

or \(\displaystyle x_1= b- ((a_2/a_1)x_2+ (a_3/a_1)x_3+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ (a_n/a_1)x_n)\).
Ok, great. That's exactly what I thought but I wanted to double check.

Much appreciated.