Line integral and surface integrals


New member
May 1, 2013
Hi everyone,
Would really apprecitate if someone could please help me with the following vector calculus questions.
evaluate, curl F.ds x = +-1 , y = +-3 in xy plane F is a vector field (3*z)i + (4*x^3)j + K(2*y^2 + 3*y^3).
Hi everyone,
Would really apprecitate if someone could please help me with the following vector calculus questions.
evaluate, curl F.ds x = +-1 , y = +-3 in xy plane F is a vector field (3*z)i + (4*x^3)j + K(2*y^2 + 3*y^3).
We need to see your work!!

Are you doing a contour integral around a closed rectangle in the xy-plane with vertices (1,3), (-1,3), (-1,-3), (1,-3), (1,3) ?

Are you supposed to do it by "brute force," or is there some theorem you are supposed to use?

Looking forward to seeing your work . . .