Limits Help (Stewart Calculus, 2.3)


New member
Aug 10, 2011
10. (a) What is wrong with the following equation?
(x^2 + x - 6)/(x-2) = x +3

^ That's the first part, and I'm kinda stumped. Is it incorrect because both sides are equivalent?
If both side are equivalent, then how is it incorrect?.

Factor the numerator in the left and cancel the x+3. You can then see the right hand side is all that remains.

Thus, they are equivalent. I reckon you already knew that.:)

One small issue. What about if x=2?.

And that's actually the second part.

lim (x-->2) on each side, and you're asked to explain why it's correct.
I'm wondering what's wrong with your subject line. I see no limit statement.

The posted equation is an "identity". This means that the equation is true for all values of x for which both sides are defined.

Are you sure that you properly typed the entire exercise? The question about incorrectness does not make sense, to me.
^ Sorry, the "it" refers to the equation (does the limit exist-type question).

Sorry again.
Well, I'm still confused about 10(a), but if 10(b) asks whether or not the limit of the posted rational function (as x approaches 2) exists, then look at what value the function is approaching as x approaches 2 from above AND as x approaches 2 from below.

If these two values are the same, then the limit exists.

The easiest way is to examine a proper graph of the rational function near x = 2. I'm not sure if 10(b) wants you to calculate the two directional limits by hand because you did not post the entire exercise.
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