Limits and bounds question?


New member
Sep 8, 2013
I hope I've put this in the right forum section....
A chain is 30 meter long to the nearest meter. A chain is also needed to fasten a boat to a wall, a distance of also 30 meter to the nearest meter. Which statement is true?
A) Chain isn't long enough
B) Chain is long enough
C) Can't tell

And I need an explanation, thanks.

To me it would be cant tell because its the same measurements but not sure..
To me it would be cant tell because its the same measurements but not sure..
I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are saying here...? Also, how does this relate at all to "Calculus"?

Kindly please reply with clarification. Thank you! ;)
I hope I've put this in the right forum section....
A chain is 30 meter long to the nearest meter. A chain is also needed to fasten a boat to a wall, a distance of also 30 meter to the nearest meter. Which statement is true?
A) Chain isn't long enough
B) Chain is long enough
C) Can't tell

And I need an explanation, thanks.

To me it would be cant tell because its the same measurements but not sure..
The chain has length somewhere between (30.0-0.5)m and (30.0+0.5)m. Likewise the distance boat-to-wall is somewhere between (30.0-0.5)m and (30.0+0.5)m. Do you have a way of knowing which is longer than the other?