I'm stuck on a limits question
Enter each answer as a whole number (like -4, 0, or 253)
or as a decimal number (like 7.43 or -2.15)
or as DNE for Does Not Exist or undefined.
Use RADIAN mode for trig functions.
(Report your answer rounded to 2 decimal places.)
lim_(x->1) (x+3)/cos(x)
= 1+3/ cos(1) in raidian= 6.55
I got 6.55 as an answer. The computer shows that it is wrong.
Enter each answer as a whole number (like -4, 0, or 253)
or as a decimal number (like 7.43 or -2.15)
or as DNE for Does Not Exist or undefined.
Use RADIAN mode for trig functions.
(Report your answer rounded to 2 decimal places.)
lim_(x->1) (x+3)/cos(x)
= 1+3/ cos(1) in raidian= 6.55
I got 6.55 as an answer. The computer shows that it is wrong.