You really have to be able to handle [MATH]\sum_{k=1}^nk [/MATH]Yes, It can be done.
Don't take this badly but one knows nothing about sigma notation if they can't do this problem. Understand that no one is born knowing this so I an not trying to say any about your skills (at some point I too did not know sigma notation) but do admire that you keep trying and come here to ask questions when you are stuck.
Is it that n in the upper limit that bothers you? The notation says that k goes from 1 to n. Now you need to decide what we are summing up. It happens to be k. So 1st write what ever k equals when k =1 , then when k=2, ..., then when k=n. Now add up this terms or at least list the sum.
Can you please try to do the following ones? If you do not know how to do them please start a new thread for each of them. These are basic ones and if you can do these then you should be able to do any sigma notation problems
1)[MATH]\sum_{k=1}^n1 [/MATH] You start at 1 and then add infinity by 1.
2)[MATH]\sum_{k=1}^5(k^2 +1) [/MATH]3)[MATH]\sum_{k=1}^4(3k+ 1/k) [/MATH]4)[MATH]\sum_{k=1}^p(k+3n) [/MATH]