Limeric - may be you have seen this before

  • Thread starter Deleted member 4993
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Deleted member 4993

A dozen, a gross, and a score,
Plus three times the square root of four,
Divided by seven,
Plus five times eleven,
Equals nine squared plus zero, no more.
Denis said:
Subhotosh Keats?

No..No... Subhotosh Lear

I know I have to change my initials then ....

However this limeric is oldie .

I cannot take credit for it. That ubiqutous Anon wrote it.
I'll try one if everybody promises not to laugh:

A grand, a fin and a C
Less ten to the power three
Divided by a fin
Less another fin
Equals four squared, whoopee!

Denis Corneille-DeFermat

I'm sure I've posted these before . . .

A mathematician named Crottle
Poured water into a Klein bottle.
. . When asked, "Do you doubt
. . That some will run out?"
He replied, "No, I don't. Quite a lot'll."

To a tightrope walker named Zekund
The "a" due to gravity beckoned.
. . His performance was great
. . At about 9.8

There was a young lady named List
Whose mouth had a funny half-twist.
. . She'd turned both her lips
. . Into Moebius strips.
'Til she's kissed you, you haven't been kissed.

A girl from the vast Fourth Dimension
Has a sex life beyond comprehension.
. . With length, width and height
. . She's an utter delight.
With her fourth ... it's too marv'lous to mention!

And one I didn't write, but I love it dearly:

There was a young bard from Japan
Whose limericks never would scan.
. . His poems all tend
. . To come to an end

There once was a pretty young lass
Standing in water up to her knees
This poem does not rhyme yet
But wait till the tide comes in !
There was a young lady named Kite

Whose speed was much faster than light.

She left home one day

In a relative way

And returned on the previous night.
A few of my favorites:


An undergrad from Trinity
Computed the square of infinity
But so great were the digits
That he got the figits
And turned from the maths to divinity

Something that's not a limerick

When hydrogen played oxygen
and the game had just begun
Hydrogen racked up two fast points
While oxygen had none

Then oxygen scored a single goal
and thus it did remain
Hydrogen 2 Oxygen 1
Called off because of rain


Editor Advised
Preserve anonymity
Or no more copy