Light Houses: at what time, on what day, will all three flas


New member
Oct 26, 2006
Three lighthouses on three nearby islands flash their lights every morning. On one island, the light flashes every 45 seconds. The lighthouse on the second island has a light that flashes every 2 minutes. The third lighthouse flashes a light every 1 and 1/4 minutes. At 6PM on Monday, all three lights flash simultaneously. At what time, on what day, will all three lights flash together again? (hint: least common multiples)


45 seconds least common multiple: 5*3*3
120 seconds least common multiple: 5*2*2*3
75 seconds least common multiple: 3*5*5

I have no idea on what I should do next..

Can you please help me..? Thank-you so much
Convert all to seconds. What's the LCM of 45, 75, 120?. That will be in seconds. Convert to minutes and add to the time given.
Thank-you so much.. I really did learn it.. That website is very good to learn.. and very easy to understand..

I found out that the LCM of 45, 120 and 75 is 1800.
Very good. Now, that's in seconds. Convert to minutes.
1800 is 30 minutes.. so..

the first lighthouse= 30 minutes and 45 seconds
the second lighthouse= 32 minutes
the third lighthouse= 31 minutes and 25 seconds.
there is still one more question.. At what time, on what day, will all three lights flash together again? How do I answer that?
LaryssaLacerda said:
1800 is 30 minutes.. so..

the first lighthouse= 30 minutes and 45 seconds
the second lighthouse= 32 minutes
the third lighthouse= 31 minutes and 25 seconds.

What is all this about?.

:shock: For heaven's sake, 30 minutes is the answer. Add that to the time given.