least of set of consec. integers is -25; if sum is 26, then


New member
Jan 14, 2008
The least integer of a set of consecutive integers is -25. If the sum of these integers is 26, how many integers are in this set?






HELP!! I have no idea where to begin or end on this one.
RockerChick said:
I have no idea where to begin or end on this one.
Okay; let's start at the beginning: terminology. :idea:

Do you know what "integers" are? Do you know what it means to say that one number of a set is the "least" number? Are you familiar with negative numbers? Do you know what operation is indicated by the word "sum"?

Thank you! :D

RockerChick said:
Yeah, I know all of that...
There are various ways to proceed. The simplest (if perhaps not the most elegant) would be to take the definitions they've given you, start at the given starting point, and start summing. Keep adding more "consecutive integers" until you get a sum of 26.

Then could up how many numbers you added! :wink:

If you wrote up all the consecutive numbers from (-25) to (+25) - how many numbers are there?

What is the sum of those numbers?

Does it give you some ides regarding your problem?