The tags [tex][/tex] do work. Can you send me the problematic text, by private conversation?… I cannot get the old tex and /tex pair to work.
Also, where can you change font size?
Here's a tip, pka. We don't need to play tricks on the system anymore (like inserting spaces), in order to display tags in a post. Enclosing tags within [plain] and [/plain] tags will prevent the system from processing the enclosed code. See the bottom of this post, for more info. Cheers ?[ tex]\left( {r\cos \left( {\theta + \frac{{2k\pi }}{4}} \right),r\sin \left( {\theta + \frac{{2k\pi }}{4}} \right)} \right),~k=1,~2,~3[/tex]
Without the space in [ tex] the code works for me.
Thanks, Mark! That's way easier than my 'ol vBulletin LaTeX fix (to suppress keyword autolinking, for instance).… For now, use ( n) instead (note the space in front of the n).
True, although there are a number of issues being discussed on the (private) staff board, heh … ?… there really have been few bugs so far …
So far I like the new software. I never expected it to be bug free, but there really have been few bugs so far. Good work all.
?I have fixed the problem with thumbs up and thumbs down emojis.