Latest Lenny Conundrum (Round 186)


New member
Oct 5, 2006
This problem is part of our discussion board in my class Intro To College Math. This is something I am graded on:

Gilbert the Gelert farmer (He's a Gelert who happens to be a farmer, not a farmer who grows Gelerts!) grows crops on a square field, 400 metres on a side. He has divided this field into seven different sections, such that each section has the same area, and each section meets at a point in the exact center of the field.

If he wants to build a fence along the perimeter of the two sections (the perimeter outlined in red), how many metres of fence is required? Round up to the nearest whole number, and please only submit a number as your answer.
Edited by stapel -- Reason for edit: accuracy, numbering
Note: The graphic you were provided with for this week's puzzle contest is necessary for the solution.

Since this contest does not close until next Wednesday, it might be viewed as unethical (cheating) for the tutors to give you the answer before that time. But I'm sure they would be glad to help you work through the math, if you are interested in learning.

If so, then please post a detailed description of the graphic (it appears to be against the Neopets Terms of Service for their graphic to be posted here, so of course any hotlink would likely be disabled), along with a clear listing of everything you have tried thus far.

But if you're just looking for somebody to give you the answer, then a math tutoring site is probably not going to be helpful. You might instead try using a search engine to find a puzzles or cheats site that covers the Lenny.

Thank you for your understanding.
