Is this a correct function?

Do you have a reason to think it might either be injective, or not be surjective?

It looks good to me.
The best way to become confident is to convince yourself that you are right by writing out your reasons.

So convince me: Why is it surjective? Why is it not injective? (You are correct, so you should be able to answer both questions.)
Please help would appreciate it !!
Here is an interesting function: \(\displaystyle \phi (n) = \left\lfloor {\frac{{n + 1}}{2}} \right\rfloor \) [That is the floor function].
I think I just have a loss of confidence that’s why I asked :)
What does injective mean? Does your function satisfy the definition. Why?
What does surjective mean? Does your function satisfy the definition. Why?