Is there a function whose graph is symmetric w.r.t. x-axis?


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Is there a function whose graph is symmetric with respect to the x-axis? Explain.

If it exists give an example

if it does not exist explain

Re: functions college algebra help

Hello Intelli:

Are you familiar with symmetry? I mean, do you understand what it means to say that a graph is symmetric with respect to an axis?

Are you familiar with the Vertical Line Test for determining whether or not any particular graph represents a FUNCTIONAL relationship between two variables?

These are the two topics for which your exercise is testing you.

In other words, think about graphs that have symmetry about the x-axis. Think about testing these graphs using the Vertical Line Test.

If you need more help with this, then please post whatever reasoning and/or examples that you can come up with, and try to say something about why you're stuck.


~ Mark :)