(x^3+x+3) + 1/x + -1/x+2
where x=1 all the way to 99?
Suppose to turn into a telescoping series..
Any help appreciated.
Original question was
I had to do an polynomial division and decomposed into a partial fraction to get to this point.
The division works out to x^3+x+3 with a remainder of 2.
My work on the partial fraction:
(x^3+x+3) + 2/x^2+2x
2/(x^2+2) = A/x + b/x+2
2= A(x+2) + B(x)
Let x= -2
2=a(0) + b(-2)
B= -1
Let x=0
2=a(2) + b(0)
A= 1
2/x(x+2) = 1/x + -1/x+2
where x=1 all the way to 99?
Suppose to turn into a telescoping series..
Any help appreciated.
Original question was
I had to do an polynomial division and decomposed into a partial fraction to get to this point.
The division works out to x^3+x+3 with a remainder of 2.
My work on the partial fraction:
(x^3+x+3) + 2/x^2+2x
2/(x^2+2) = A/x + b/x+2
2= A(x+2) + B(x)
Let x= -2
2=a(0) + b(-2)
B= -1
Let x=0
2=a(2) + b(0)
A= 1
2/x(x+2) = 1/x + -1/x+2
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