Is Diagram 2 a tree of the undirected graph in Diagram 1 ?

What I know about a tree is that "A tree is a type of subgraph which :
i) is a simple graph which should not contain a loop or multi-edge
ii) every vertex is connected , no cycles exist
iii) number of edges = number of vertex - 1
What I am unsure of is that when making a tree out of a network, can a vertex be omitted, or must all the vertex be included in a tree ? In the question above, the original network in diagram 1 has 6 vertex. Then in diagram 2, a tree is formed out of the original network, but vertex U is omitted. Diagram 2 satisfied all the condition for a tree but it omitted vertex U from the original network. Is it still a tree? although it does not include all the 6 vertex ? All is it not a tree, because it does not have all the 6 vertex ?
What I know about a tree is that "A tree is a type of subgraph which :
i) is a simple graph which should not contain a loop or multi-edge
ii) every vertex is connected , no cycles exist
iii) number of edges = number of vertex - 1
What I am unsure of is that when making a tree out of a network, can a vertex be omitted, or must all the vertex be included in a tree ? In the question above, the original network in diagram 1 has 6 vertex. Then in diagram 2, a tree is formed out of the original network, but vertex U is omitted. Diagram 2 satisfied all the condition for a tree but it omitted vertex U from the original network. Is it still a tree? although it does not include all the 6 vertex ? All is it not a tree, because it does not have all the 6 vertex ?
Thanks. This helps in understanding your issue.

Now, what is the definition of a subgraph? Can it omit a vertex?

What you say about a tree is not quite a definition. The last line is a fact that can be derived from the definition; and the first two lines are not coherent, in that I would have expected, say, being connected to relate to having no cycles, from the way you combine them. Also, a tree doesn't have to be a subgraph; that's what it means to be a tree "of a graph".

Here is an example of an actual definition (though different sources often use somewhat different terminology, so this may differ from what you have been taught):

In graph theory, tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one path, or equivalently a connected acyclic undirected graph.​

Here is another:

A tree is a connected graph containing no cycles.
Sometimes this is stated as “a tree is an acyclic connected graph;” “acyclic” is just a fancy word for “containing no cycles.”​

So there are basically two requirements: connected, and no cycles. In your question, in addition it should be a subgraph of the given graph.

If you search for "tree of a graph", you will probably find references to a "spanning tree of a graph". Can you guess what additional property is meant by "spanning"? ;)

Does that help answer your question. (I'm trying not to directly answer it, so you can learn to use definitions to answer your own questions.)
I try to search for the meaning of "spanning tree of a graph" in the internet, and I found this definition:

" A spanning tree is a subset of Graph G, which has all the vertices covered with minimum possible number of edges. Hence, a spanning tree does not have cycles and it cannot be disconnected.. By this definition, we can draw a conclusion that every connected and undirected Graph G has at least one spanning tree. A disconnected graph does not have any spanning tree, as it cannot be spanned to all its vertices."

So my diagram 1 is a disconnected graph as vertex U is unconnected. So it is impossible to get a spanning tree out of diagram 1. Therefore diagram 2 is a tree, but it is not a spanning tree of diagram 1. Am I right ?
I try to search for the meaning of "spanning tree of a graph" in the internet, and I found this definition:

" A spanning tree is a subset of Graph G, which has all the vertices covered with minimum possible number of edges. Hence, a spanning tree does not have cycles and it cannot be disconnected.. By this definition, we can draw a conclusion that every connected and undirected Graph G has at least one spanning tree. A disconnected graph does not have any spanning tree, as it cannot be spanned to all its vertices."

So my diagram 1 is a disconnected graph as vertex U is unconnected. So it is impossible to get a spanning tree out of diagram 1. Therefore diagram 2 is a tree, but it is not a spanning tree of diagram 1. Am I right ?
Sounds right to me.
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer all my questions !