Ok, so now we got 2 on the top row left column, 2 on the top row middle column, -10, bottom row, middle column, 0 on the bottom row right column. But how did we get the other numbers on the new matrix? What numbers are crossed out to make the other minors? For some reason, the website didn't list out all "crossing out" patterns.
I think that the one you have not yet done is the minor corresponding to the middle number: cross out the middle row and middle column leaving
\(\displaystyle \left|\begin{array}{cc}3 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 \end{array}\right|= 3\)
(0ne point I misspoke before- the inverse is NOT the array of minors divided by the determinant, it is the adjoint of the array of minors. That is, rows become columns, columns become rows. )