So, I'm reading over Herbert Enderton's "Elements of Set Theory" and have come to the section on functions in chapter 3. There, he defines the concepts of the inverse of a set, the composition of 2 sets, the restriction of a set F to another set A, and the image of a set A under a set F. Note that I said "set" in each case, and not "function" or "relation". This is because he says that these concepts, while usually applied to functions, and sometimes to relations, can actually be defined in terms of arbitrary sets. I'll post the definitions of "inverse" and "composition" below:
(a) The inverse of a set F is the set F-1 = {<u,v> | vFu}
(b) The composition of F and G is the set F * G = {<u,v> | There is a set t such that uGt and tFv)}
These definitions make use of sets of ordered pairs, which are by definition, at least relations if not functions. So, then, how do these definitions apply to arbitrary sets which may not be relations (sets of ordered pairs)? This is not a homework problem or anything, but not understanding this is bugging me a bit.
(a) The inverse of a set F is the set F-1 = {<u,v> | vFu}
(b) The composition of F and G is the set F * G = {<u,v> | There is a set t such that uGt and tFv)}
These definitions make use of sets of ordered pairs, which are by definition, at least relations if not functions. So, then, how do these definitions apply to arbitrary sets which may not be relations (sets of ordered pairs)? This is not a homework problem or anything, but not understanding this is bugging me a bit.