markgoldman said:
what is being multiplied by itself 3.0413 times to get 1100? I've never liked this terminology.
I can't quite understand what it means to multiply something by itself 3.0413 times. Don't try to understand it too deeply. You might go nuts.
Hi Mark:
I would not say that 10^3 is 10 multiplied by itself three times. To me, that would be 10^4.
Instead, I say that 10^3 is the product of three factors of 10.
In other words, when an exponent is a Whole number, it tells me how many factors of the base are multiplied together.
10^3 means three factors of 10
10^4 means four factors of 10
10^3.0414 means three factors of 10 and a "mystery" factor.
< mmm4444bot envisions pka rolling his eyes, right about now >
Well, the value of this mystery factor is no cliffhanger; it has to be 11/10 .
10 * 10 * 10 * 11/10 = 1100
So, in my mind, the mystery comes into play because I also know that all of the factors must be powers of 10.
10 * 10 * 10 * 10^x = 1100
x must be 0.0414 because 10^0.0414 = 11/10
10 * 10 * 10 * 10^0.0414 = 10^3 * 10^0.0414 = 10^(3 + 0.0414) = 1100
At this point, I would suppose that your next question is something like, "Okay. Then tell me what it means to say 10^0.0414 because I don't understand how a power of 10 can have less than one factor of 10."
To which I would respond, "When we grow beyond the Whole numbers, we're not in grade school, anymore. Concepts become more deep. Try thinking about the continuity of exponential graphs and the denseness of the set of Real numbers, to feel at ease with "fractional" powers smoothly increasing in value over a range of infinite exponents. Beyond that, don't try to understand it too deeply."
Although, weird concepts are fun to consider. I'm glad to see that you're thinking; we don't always get much of that around here.
Do you think that 16^0.5 = 4 is weird ? I don't, anymore. When I see 16^0.5 now, it seems natural.
Cheers ~ Mark