intermediate algebra

The following is just one example of a radical function.

This function f is classified as a radical function because its defining expression contains a radical.

\(\displaystyle f(x) = \sqrt{x}\)

Function f and I have been formally introduced, and I can assure you that f is always nice and well-behaved, as long as you don't feed it something that is less than zero! 8-)
Were you looking for one to solve?

If that is the case here is one.

\(\displaystyle \sqrt{2x^2-7}=3-x\)

if you want it solved let me know, but I will let you think about it for a little bit.
Gail Price said:
Not really what I wanted

Can you be more specific, Gail?

The phrase "radical equation function" is somewhat jumbled.

Since I cannot "read" your thoughts about this, I had to guess. 8-)
Sorry I am new at this so I am not familiar to how things should be done. I just knew that you could read minds :lol: