The following equation gives the rate of change of the partial pressure of a specific gas (Pcirc) in a circuit of plastic tubing which is being flushed with fresh gas of different partial pressure (Pdel):
dPcirc/dt = (FGF/V) x (Pcirc - Pdel)
FGF = fresh gas flow into the circuit (L/min),
V = volume of the circuit (L),
Pdel = partial pressure of gas in the fresh gas flow (cmH2O),
Pcirc = partial pressure of gas in the circuit (cmH2O)
Could anyone show me how to integrate the rate equation above to give Pcirc as a function of time. I already have the answer but I can't figure out how to get there:
Pcirc(t) = Pcirc(0) + (Pdel - Pcirc(0)) x (1 - e-t/[V/FGF])
Thanks in advance!
dPcirc/dt = (FGF/V) x (Pcirc - Pdel)
FGF = fresh gas flow into the circuit (L/min),
V = volume of the circuit (L),
Pdel = partial pressure of gas in the fresh gas flow (cmH2O),
Pcirc = partial pressure of gas in the circuit (cmH2O)
Could anyone show me how to integrate the rate equation above to give Pcirc as a function of time. I already have the answer but I can't figure out how to get there:
Pcirc(t) = Pcirc(0) + (Pdel - Pcirc(0)) x (1 - e-t/[V/FGF])
Thanks in advance!