initial value problem


New member
Apr 14, 2010
Okay so I am stuck on this initial value problem where I am supposed to find a particular solution:

Sin y dx + [ 2y + x cosy ] dy = 0 y(0) = ?

Do i start by integrating the function?

x sin y + y^2 + x siny = 0

then i need to find x and y for my particular solutions right?

Can someone please help me?

Thanks in advance for any help.
kcoe05 said:
Okay so I am stuck on this initial value problem where I am supposed to find a particular solution:

Sin y dx + [ 2y + x cosy ] dy = 0 y(0) = ?

Do i start by integrating the function? <<< Yes but the answer you got is meaningless. This is an "exact ODE"

y[sup:q4ppcp1e]2[/sup:q4ppcp1e] + x * Sin(y) = C

Now apply the initial condition to find the value of C

x sin y + y^2 + x siny = 0

then i need to find x and y for my particular solutions right?

Can someone please help me?

Thanks in advance for any help.