infimum and minimum


New member
Jun 26, 2006
For each subset of R, give its infimum and and the minimum of each set, if they exist. Otherwise write "none"
a) {1,3}
b) {pi, 3}
c) [0,4]
d) (0,4)
e) {1/n: n is an element of N}
f) {1 - 1/n: n is an element of N}
g) {n/(n+1): n is an element of N}
h) {(-1)^n(1+1/n): n is an element of N}
i) {n + (-1)^n/n: n is an element of n}
j) (-infinity, 4)
m) {r is an element of Q: r<5}
n) {r is an element of Q: r^2<=5}

thanks for everyones help!
Are you unable to make even an educated guess on any of these...? If this is the case, then I'm afraid you appear to need much more intensive (hands-on) assistance than we are able to provide. Sorry.

My best wishes to you.
