The inequality
b1 <= AX <= b2
implies AX is a scalar (one dimensional) so we are going to need more information. If X is multiple dimensional just what does AX mean? If the quantities b1, AX, and b2 are not scalars, what do the inequalities mean?
X is a matrix representing the coefficients for the independent variable a (vector). Sorry for that I wrote wrong, it should be y=X*a, and usually we may prefer to use the notation "m" (model) instead of "a".
A is just some extra weighting matrix on X to set the constraint. In many cases we may just ignore A, means A is an diagonal identical matrix. b1,b2 can be scalar or vector. Scalar is just a special case of vector.
For example, lets come down to a much smaller dimension. Looking at just the left side of the inequality
AX <= b2
and letting AX be the dot product of two three dimensional vectors A and X, one boundary of the restricted region given by the inequalities is the plane
ax x + ay y + az z = b2
where A = (ax, ay, az) and X = (x, y, z). Thus the region is on one side of that plane and on a corresponding side of the plane for the right side of the inequality.
If AX were the dot product for your example, the restricted region would just be the region bounded by two hyper-planes. Although some people do have the ability to visualize multiple dimension regions and immediately tell where a point in N space lies relative to an N space hyper-plane, most of us mortals can only do that for N = 1. That is, all of us can normally immediately tell if 5 is less than 7 but few of us can immediately tell if (19,321) lies below the line y = 17 +92 x (it generally takes maybe a second or so for something like this), and even fewer can visual so distinctly in 3 and higher dimensions. So, if it is the dot product, you are just going to have to do the arithmetic or have someone/a computer/... do it for you.