Income Taxes


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Some financial advisors recommend you increase the amount of federal income taxes withheld from your paycheque each month so that you will get a larger refund come April. That is, you take home less today but get a bigger lump sum when you get your refund. Based on your knowledge of the time value of money, what do you think of this idea?

If you guys can talk about what would be the implications of withholding taxes from income and CRA penalties, that would really help me out! Help is always much appreciated!
I believe there are only two considerations:

1) If the time value of money is the ONLY consideration, then it is foolish to increase withholding. You are giving hte IRS a free loan.

2) On the other hand, if this is the ONLY way for you to amass an slightly unusual sum of money, it may well be worth it. How else will you afford that new washing machine ro water heater or furnace?