If one person gets 40% of $100 and the other person gets 58% from that same $100... how much does


New member
Dec 13, 2022
If one person gets 40% of $100 and the other person gets 58% from that same $100... how much does each person get?

Its not $40 and $58 cause that doesnt equal $100. Any help with a formula on how to answer this. Thanks
If one person gets 40% of $100 and the other person gets 58% from that same $100... how much does each person get?

Its not $40 and $58 cause that doesnt equal $100. Any help with a formula on how to answer this. Thanks
The exercise nowhere states that the monies given to these two people must comprise the total of the money given out. The giver may be keeping the rest for him/herself, or giving it to a third party.