However, I see many students - I mean many - being home-schooled without proper guidance. In effort to protect the student from "abuse", some of the parents are creating socially inept, and intellectually-deficient-creatures of society. They are very good at math test, spelling test, geography bee - but strikingly inept at applied sciences (like physics, chemistry, etc.). Vast majority of the parents lack the skills to be a teacher (a good teacher as opposed to pointing to the books and go at it). When the dad/mom are not comfortable with fifth grade word problem - they really cannot help the kid with algebra II.
My children went through public school system - did very very well. I took active part in their education (one of my sons said that they were home-schooled and school-schooled - double whammy). Not being a teacher - I did not know all the "wholes" of curiculum to be filled - the school did that part and acted as review session for them. I have my neighbors all around me being home-schooled. They come to me regularly for math. Very bright children - but they were taught math the same way they were taught spelling. I am not saying that in a public/private school the situation would have been better - I am saying that home-schooling is not producing (at least in these cases) any better. If they went to the school;s my children did - they would be served better.