If b is the maximum element, must it be the supremum?

The Student

Junior Member
Apr 25, 2012
The question in the headline is all that I hope to know in this OP. If the answer is "yes", then that makes sense to me. But if it is "no", please explain why, thanks!
The question in the headline is all that I hope to know in this OP. If the answer is "yes", then that makes sense to me. But if it is "no", please explain why, thanks!
Yes, if b exists and you have identified a suitable (ordered) super-set. If b does not exist then look to the ordered super-set.

Wiki:, the supremum (sup) of a subset S of a totally or partially ordered set T is the least element of T that is greater than or equal to all elements of S

Let S be the set of all rational numbers < Pi
S has no maximum element.
However S has a super-set (reals)
S has a supremum in the reals which is Pi

Conundrum: "I am my own grandpa", oldtime'n song
1) If I define Pi as S
2) S is the
supremum of S
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That follow pretty readily from the definitions of "maximum" and "supremum" of a set.